Hello Irene,

Feel free to integrate getmonero.org RSS feed today :)
You can find it at https://www.getmonero.org/feed.xml

Unlike most projects you probably interact with, Monero is a truly non-profit, non-commercial project. There is no VC funding, no premine, no founders, no people on payroll, etc. Hence, we, the volunteers dedicating our time to this project, don't enter in commercial practices with for-profit businesses of the type "I scratch your back you scratch my back". Another way to put it: would you require anything from anyone, to link the Bitcoin.org RSS feed on your website? I guess not, and it's the same thing with Monero.
Therefore, there is no reason for us to write a post to inform people that they can find the website RSS feed on your platform. Such announcements would look very misaligned with what people expect from the "official" Monero website.

If you decide not to link the RSS feed for this reason, that's a pity but so be it. IMO it would be detrimental to your website in terms of perception and seriousness. 



On Fri, 22 Oct 2021 at 06:46, Irene Lam <irene.lam@crypto.com> wrote:



This is Irene from Crypto.com and I hope your team is doing all well under the backdrop of COVID-19.


I am responsible for website partnership and content marketing on behalf of Crypto.com. We are very excited to let you know about our new feature - RSS Feed Integration on Crypto.com Price and we think it would be beneficial for Monero.


We have a dedicated token price page created for Monero to show the latest market pulse and price movement for Monero with token information and official website URL address. You may find this page here: https://crypto.com/price/monero.  We have recently created a RSS feed integration feature for our token partner which means Monero can share its latest update to our 10M users and the community. This crypto news section would be a great boost of traffic to your site, as it gives our users a better insight of Monero and the latest market information of Monero. Would you be interested in getting your RSS feed linked to our price page in this case?

If you are interested in getting your RSS feed linked, I am wondering if it is possible for you and your team to write an article about the RSS feed linked to our platform? We would like to have an official announcement from your team to let users know they can view the news update from our platform. If you have written an article about that, we are happy to link your RSS feed to our price page and share your latest news to our users! If you are happy with the idea, can you please send us a draft article? We would like to review and contribute to some content too!

Please let me know if you are interested in it! 






Irene Lam

SEO & ASO Specialist

e. irene.lam@crypto.com

Cryptocurrency in Every Wallet™