Hello list,
Thanks a lot, the response to my last request to take
roles has mostly filled our staff to the needed levels.
Lot's of cool developments have happened since then, including
a bunch of fundraising leading to small but meaningful pledges
of programming cables and beacon hardware.
I've contacted a dozen commercial groups, some rather large.
They are not invited to make cash donations, and I haven't
offered logo placement. However, if they provide meaningful
resources of any kind then treasurers will need to log, track,
and act.
Treasurers still have not assembled and organized. Many of us
are interested in these roles, so please contact the Treasury
Secretary AJ and make yourself known in the appropriate project
He is reading this list, thanks a lot AJ for the extra help!
Once a sponsor pledges and we decide to accept, treasurers should
be informed in case they want to act. It could be as simple as (1)
we have a private spreadsheet, (2) put the new name in, (3) who is
the village contact person, and (4) what has been pledged/delivered?
We're not straying from DT's no sponsorship policy as no Monero
staff has offered anything in exchange for sponsored resources.
Each group is invited only after a team meeting decides it, and
they are very clear that nothing (aside from free village badges
or excess shirts/whatever) is offered in exchange.
We can decide in the next meeting if we'll thank sponsors
by name during keynotes, closings, or other speech.
Any ideas or questions?
Michael Schloh von Bennewitz
Software Development Engineer
Europalab Networks R&D, Munich
Office: +49(89)44239885 UTC+2
Mobile: Same as 'Office'