**Next meeting will be one week from most recent one instead of two weeks so mark your
calendars for 21 July 2018, 16:00UTC:
**Defcon Village Meeting Minutes 14 July 2018**
Original GitHub Agenda:
Wiki Entry (feel free to update for errors, etc):
* * *
*1. corklander/sean to report on cost list for General Bytes ATM machine*
* Cheapest option is USPS Ground, shipping will cost $105.22
* Since we're receiving it already boxed, it's unlikely that we'll need to
purchase shipping slips or another box
* Shipping costs are the only thing that will need to be covered, but there may be other
costs; need to discuss during next meeting
* msvb-lab: "if the group [/company with a money transmitter license] rejects our
greeting (no official request so far) then we move on to other choices [regarding usage].
If the group offers to help, I'm going to write a message to the mailing list and
please everybody do what they can to clarify what we should do at that point, okay?"
*2. Sales promoter application, due Monday*
* Form is filled out once for our whole village
* Form requirements can be found here:
* Per last meeting msvb-lab seems to be the only one w/ sales at this point, although sgp
will fill form for MAGIC
*3. Treasurers report the sales plan*
* ajs was unable to attend, but please review draft here:
* "If anyone wants to add any other supplies to the budget, PM me on
Mattermost/Slack/Riot or add a comment in Taiga #16 Multievent shopping list. FFS will be
requested to cover these expenses." -AJS
* Work in progress monetary policy for village:
*4. We have three Saturdays after this before DefCon which would mean one more meeting
7/28; is going to every Saturday to have three meetings instead warranted to ensure final
alignment on various items?*
* Consensus to have a meeting every Saturday at 16:00UTC
*5. Vendor tables and if a space can be secured for M.A.G.I.C. to give away free merch and
solicit donations*
* rehrar and Tonya currently working on solidifying policy for vendor tables
*6. Hardware badge status report*
* Batteries (CR2032) have not arrived yet; if anybody knows of a good backup plan in case
we only get a half shipment (not enough for everybody) then it would be good to know.
Fry's in Vegas is not a good backup
* Keep your eyes out (mailing list and IRC) for advance purchase possibility in a week or
*7. Press relations report the byline*
* Did not get to this item, to be moved to next meeting